Thursday, June 29, 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Monday, June 19, 2006

The moon

Photos prises a Pyramid Hill Park. Photos taken at pyramid Hill Park

Thursday, June 08, 2006

A little closer...

J'ai eu la chance de m'approcher d'un faon pendant que je prenait des photos dans un park pour une competition de photo. c'etait tot le matin... il s'est sauver quand j'etait trop proche! Posted by Picasa

Fawn Encounter

I had the chance of getting close to this fawn this week while taking pictures for a photo contest in a local park and museum. It was early morning, he did run away when I got too close... Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 02, 2006


Daisies in black and white

Old school

This is a cute little school down the street from us. It was built in the 1800"s.
Voici une petite ecole tout pres de chez nous, construite dans les annee 1800.
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Apple blossom

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Apple blossoms

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